Doctor Alexandr Agureev is explaining to the volunteers why this degustation of food is being conducted.
photo: IBMP/Oleg Voloshin |
Doctor Jens Titze is telling to the volunteers about peculiarities of food consumption during isolation experiments.
photo: IBMP/Oleg Voloshin |
Food degustation. Doctor Alexandr Agureev (in the background, on the left) and Doctor Jens Titze are explaining to the volunteers (in the foreground) rules of filing in the degustation questionnaires.
photo: IBMP/Oleg Voloshin |
Food degustation. Such process of preparation of sublimated products is familiar to each of us.
photo: IBMP/Oleg Voloshin |
Food degustation. Production of "Gala-Gala" russian firm.
photo: IBMP/Oleg Voloshin |
Food degustation is not an easy thing! You must not only taste a lot of dishes, but also fill in questionnaires describing your feelings and impression.
photo: IBMP/Oleg Voloshin |
Borsch degustation.
photo: IBMP/Oleg Voloshin |
It is funnier to degust in a company!
photo: IBMP/Oleg Voloshin |
Food degustation. Production of "Apetito" firm.
photo: IBMP/Oleg Voloshin |
Doctor Jens Titze with his assistant are helping to the volunteers not to get mixed up in the dishes.
photo: IBMP/Oleg Voloshin |