Russian Space Innovations Awarded
Russian Space Innovations Awarded
Innova Energy 2007 |
Innovative developments of Russian space scientists were awarded prizes of international innovative exhibitions, reports press secretary of the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems of Russian Academy of Sciences.
Four developments of fellows of the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems received gold and silver medal of innovation salons, held in Germany and Belgium in November. 56 Global Salon of innovation, science research and new technologies “Innova Energy 2007”-“Brussels Eureka 2007” awarded gold medal to the project called “Terrestrial experimental complex for simulating long-term space flights to distant planets, including Mars”. Same project won silver medal at 59 International Exhibition “Ideas, inventions, innovations IENA-2007” in Germany. Said complex hosted recently finished stage of “Mars-500” experiment.
Russia-IC, 4.12.2007