Ground-based simulation investigations are very important for solving of urgent tasks of space medicine. They plaid an important role in substantiation of possibility of increasing of duration and reliability of space expeditions.
Simulation experiments allow to assess the concept of biomedical support of the crew of the spaceship under development or the concrete mission, assess meaning of separate factors of a space flight in changing of state of health and working capacity of the crew members, obtain necessary data for development of biomedical requirements for manned spaceships.
Mars seems to be the unique planet for investigation of issues of Solar system planets evolution, prognosis of Earth and its biosphere development. But the main thing is that Mars is the only planet that is promising from the point of view of human settlement. Perhaps, it is this that is the most important purpose of human flight to Mars in the interests of preservation of Earth civilization.
Vice-president of Russian Academy of sciences,
scientific head of SSC RF – IBMP RAS,
Academician Grigoriev A. I.