Periods of the virtual flight to Mars during the 520-days isolation
1-11 days – a period of a flight along the spiral path in the gravitational field of Earth.
51-204 days - a period of a flight on the heliocentric orbit up to the Martian vicinity.
205-243 days - a period of a flight along the spiral path in the gravitational field of Mars("twist").
244-272 days - a period of a flight on Martian orbit with descent of the takeoff and landing module on the planet surface and returning to the Martian expeditionary facility. In this period we plan a simulation of three appearances of the group of 2 subjects on the Martian surface. At this time 3 crew members rested in the model of the Martian orbital facility perform an observation and communication with the crew of the takeoff and landing module.
273-309 days - a period of a flight along the spiral path in the gravitational field of Mars ("spinup")
310-467 days - a period of a flight on the heliocentric orbit up to the Earth vicinity.
468-520 days - a period of a flight along the spiral path in the gravitational field of Earth.